
Portfolio Design

Here are some 'screen grabs' of my PDF portfolio. The design is very simple, with clean lines and plenty of negative space. I have just included a project title and will include my CV and personal details in a separate booklet when I print it out and bind it. I may also make a few small changes to the layout before I print it out.
I have only included the work I feel best represents me and what I want to do and have kept it to around 10 - 12 pieces/projects, as the research I previously did told me this was the expected amount. I started with my strongest project and ended with my second strongest project, showing a flow from beginning to end.

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Photography: Illustration: Design

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East London, United Kingdom
I have recently graduated from The Arts University College at Bournemouth with a First Class BA (Hons) Degree in Illustration I am available for freelance, so please get in touch!
